Tiger's Eye
I uploaded the ladder on "Yearbook Documents" so if you need to take a look at it you can download it. I'll update the blog if we make changes to it!
When you hand in your QR8, you don't need to submit a weekly report! No more weekly reports this quarter since you guys will be busy with other work.

Also, remember to sign up for after school/lunch break dates on Mrs. Yung's door + photo-taking events!
Here are your QR deadlines:
QR8 - Jan. 24 (Mon.)
QR9 - Feb. 7 (Mon.)
QR10 - Feb. 21 (Mon.)
QR11 - Mar. 7 (Mon.)
QR12 - Mar. 18 (Fri.)
Coming in to work on mugshots
Stacy and I haven't set specific dates yet but they will be either sometime before 1.1.11 (wow haha) or sometime during the last week of break (we'll probably need only 2 days). I'll update the blog as soon as I talk to Stacy and Mrs. Erickson.

2nd Quarter Grades
Some of you might be worried about your grades but Stacy and I will grade your Extra Credit and fix your grades before report cards come out. Grades aren't due until a few weeks after winter break so don't worry about them now and just enjoy your vacation! (:
Sorry for the delay! I went to Hawaii the day after Snowball so I didn't get the chance to post this up (: but here it is - the Extra Credit you've all been waiting for!

1. Your photos need to be from a recognizable location + SIS student(s)
2. No repeated locations or people
3. You are allowed to take a hagwon picture - BUT not more than 1 hagwon photo per staff member
4. Keep in mind: your photos should portray the SOUL of the students OUTSIDE of SIS

**Every 5 usable photos = 1 percent added to your SEMESTER grade! They will be due the first day back.

If you have any questions, ask me/Stacy.

It would be a good idea to read the critique as well and improve upon that.

ps. Mrs. Erickson suggested to visit http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/
It's a website that has a lot of good "outdoor + people" photos. You can tell where the location is even though the subject is the person. Take a look at the site and apply the photo angles to your own photos!

Have a great break!
Check out the Google Doc I sent you guys.

We're going to have a Xmas Party & Secret Santa on 12.9! (:
Yay the week before exams~

If you didn't get it/can't open it please contact me.

Remember to:
- Make an appointment with Mr. Hong at Banpo studio (No.: 02-599-3239). You can only make an appointment between 10am~6pm.
- Take your photo by Dec. 10th (Please try to take it before though); address is: 서울특별시 서초구 반포본동 20

1. Send in 7 photos you want to include on your page. Please indicate your top 5 preferences (rank your photos).
2. Write a blurb that will be on your page (max. 125 words). Don't write in Korean or include profanity, secret messages, and/or inappropriate information.
3. Complete the sentence: My soul is...
We will be asking you to write it out by hand so keep in mind that your answer must be able to fit on a single line (be concise or write small).

**Please submit #1, 2, and 3 all in ONE EMAIL to [email protected] by Dec. 17th** (you may send them anytime before!)

Senior Portrait Information
File Size: 931 kb
File Type: docx
Download File

Those doing ELEM
Ashley (3 grade)
Stephanie (6 grade)
Shelby (1 grade)
Elly (4 grade)
Sean (Kindergarten - JK & SK)
Kelly (7 grade)

Those doing MS
Chris L
Michelle (2 grade)
Christopher Pak
Chan-jun (8 grade)
Euna (5 grade)

**Those of you with ( ) next to your names must do a QR on that grade because it's your spread!
Upcoming: take photos of Thanksgiving Feast and Tigers Got Talent! :)

Make sure that when you take pictures of performers on stage, zoom in a lot on the subject(s) because our auditorium is ugly... (no offense).

Also take photos of the food and students eating even though they might not like it (be in their face!).

Upcoming: UNICEF tie dye t-shirts (keep this fundraiser in mind)

I'll try to take photos of seniors making the shirts because they're going to come over to my house during Thanksgiving break.

Check this article out that Ms. Brown sent to us. It talks about coverage.