Tiger's Eye
Sorry for the delay! I went to Hawaii the day after Snowball so I didn't get the chance to post this up (: but here it is - the Extra Credit you've all been waiting for!

1. Your photos need to be from a recognizable location + SIS student(s)
2. No repeated locations or people
3. You are allowed to take a hagwon picture - BUT not more than 1 hagwon photo per staff member
4. Keep in mind: your photos should portray the SOUL of the students OUTSIDE of SIS

**Every 5 usable photos = 1 percent added to your SEMESTER grade! They will be due the first day back.

If you have any questions, ask me/Stacy.

It would be a good idea to read the critique as well and improve upon that.

ps. Mrs. Erickson suggested to visit http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/
It's a website that has a lot of good "outdoor + people" photos. You can tell where the location is even though the subject is the person. Take a look at the site and apply the photo angles to your own photos!

Have a great break!

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